Delivery and Returns


At the moment we are currently delivering within the UK only.

We will deliver between 2-3 working days, if there is an unforeseen delay we will contact you.

If we cannot deliver within 30 days of your order we will notify you with an option to cancel or amend your delivery date.

Orders are sent to the delivery address provided to us on your order form. We cannot be held responsible if that delivery address is incorrect.

Please note that we cannot deliver to PO Boxes.

Delivery times quoted to you are indicative only. Whilst we use reputable delivery companies we cannot accept liability for a delay in delivery due to a third party.


We hope you love our products as much as we do but in the event that you have to return a product below are our cancellation and returns policy.

Cancellations and returns

You have the right to cancel your order from the time you place your order until 14 days after you have received your product.

You then have 14 days from the date you notify us to cancel your order to return the goods to us.

To cancel your order you must notify us using the contact form quoting the order number given.

Refunds will be given for the cost of the product and delivery. If the item has been handled more than necessary, causing the value of the product to be reduced, a deduction to the refund can be made.

Products must be returned in the original packaging and in a saleable condition to 275 Irving House, Doddington Grove, London SE17 3TS.

You are responsible for cost and risk of loss or damage during the return.  It is advisable to get proof of postage as we cannot accept liability for goods not returned to us.

If you have any other queries regarding returns please use the contact us form.